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    Erik and Christin Turcotte with daughters. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Nice to Meet Ya: Erik Turcotte

Butcher shop – what’s the first thing that pops in your head when you think butcher shop? For most Texans, steaks, brisket, ribs, roasts come to mind. Maybe a 3/4-inch thick porterhouse or a huge slice of prime rib.

But how about knowing exactly where the steak came from, in terms of location of the ranch, either local or elsewhere in Texas? Soon that will be true at Turcotte Butchers, which will be located in the 100 Commons Plaza near the Sated Sheep. Grand opening will be in early April.

“These are not from ranches in HEB or Randalls. If you purchase a flat-iron steak, we can tell you where it came from. There’s a story behind it, the family running the ranch, history of the cow,” Erik Turcotte of Turcotte Butchers said.

“You’ll walk in the front door, cases of grass fed, grass finished meats. Plus chicken sausage, all types of steaks.” The shop also plans on having a full service restaurant including a bar.

“Monday through Friday, nobody has time to cook… we’ll have fast food,” Turcotte said. “My shop’s lasagna, pop it in the oven for 15 minutes. They’ll be options to pick from the menu.”

Turcotte moved to Driftwood four years ago. “When I first saw Dripping Springs, the Gateway Tower, the mom and pop businesses on Mercer, I thought this is my home… this community, I wanted to be here.”

He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, but moved to New Hampshire. “Since I was 11 years old I wanted to be in the food industry,” Turcotte said. “My best friend’s family owned a small convenience store pizza restaurant in a small town.”

High school was a vocational culinary high school, where he “learned my trade. I wanted to be in this, it interested me.” He met his wife, Christin, while both were working at a bar/restaurant, and they envisioned a bar/deli with a butcher shop.

Fast forward, they move to Texas to be closer to her family. He got a job at Salt Lick. His responsibilities grew, and he became Executive Chef. “Covid hit last March and everything was shut down… everything was canceled,” Turcotte said. “We were stuck. They (Salt Lick) had a food truck, which I operated March through September. I met a lot of people in the community. I was taking care of my family, just trying to make a living.” Some people were not so nice at first, but once they heard his story, acceptance came at his trailer at US 290 and RR12.

“That’s what I love about the quality of people in the community. Business helping people or people helping business. The ice storm happened, and I saw people helping each other, plumbers working for free, a guy was giving away milk. This is where I want to be,” he said. “We are in Dripping Springs for the long term… East Coast flair for food with a Texas kick.”

To see their menu and more information, visit

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